In this exciting prequel to Tokyo Black, Thomas Caine struggles to keep a low profile in Pattaya, Thailand. But when human traffickers start an explosive war with the Thai police, Caine finds himself caught in the crossfire. A girl he has sworn to protect has been kidnapped by this shadowy syndicate, and Caine is forced to wage a bloody one man war to get her back.
Soon, the former assassin finds himself taking on the Russian mafia, and an insane criminal warlord who believes that he is the devil himself! Can Caine use his deadly skills to defeat these new enemies, and help an honest cop find a group of missing girls before they are sold into slavery?
This book is a prequel novella... Tokyo Black, the first full length Thomas Caine novel, is coming soon, Summer 2016!
*I received this book as an ARC to read and post a honest review*
This book was everything the blurb described and more. It was bloody, fast paced, made us take a look into the dark side. The whole book was coloured in shades of grey. There was no clear cut black and white, right and wrong. Everything was somewhere in the middle.
I loved the beginning. I feel like it really showed what the book was going to be about without giving away anything and leaving us extremely confused and shocked. The first part of the book made me brace myself for the rest of the book and boy am I glad I did!
We were introduced to Thomas Caine, a man who had a lot of history behind him. He was in hiding after being betrayed and wrongly accused of being a traitor by his country who did not the whole story. He was wronged and he was looking for revenge and justice. We were also introduced to Naiyana, a dancer in a strip club who Caine has sworn to protect.
When someone starts to kidnap girls from strip clubs to sell them at an auction. Thomas Caine is summoned to help but, he refuses. But, when Naiyana herself is kidnapped, Thomas Caine is desperate and suddenly he finds himself dealing with different crime branches in Thailand trying to find the people who are kidnapping the girls.
He deals with the Thai mob families, the russian mafia and an evil crime lord who thinks he is the devil and he sure acts like one. In this book we find out that there are levels of evil. A lot of people cross the line and do things they are not supposed to. However, ever crime branch draws a line somewhere.
My favourite character in this book was not Thomas Caine. Though he was a great character. My favourite character was Naiyana. I feel like she completely trampled women stereotypes. Though she was a stripper in a club, she was strong. She was not scared of confrontation. When she was captured, she did not lose her spirit. She came back to help Thomas Caine when he got recaptured unlike the other girls. She was tough. I really admired her throughout the book. That girl had a warm place in my heart by the end of the book.
My favourite part of the book was the ending. I feel like it was appropriate ending for the novella. I cannot tell you about the ending because that would spoil the book for you guys. But I can say that it was a cliffhanger and a taster for things to come in the Thomas Caine books.
All in all this was an appropriate starter book and I thank the author for giving me this book to read. I recommend this book to readers to buy and I am going to read more books by this author for sure.
☂☂☂☂ I give it four umbrellas
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