Magnus Chase has always been a troubled kid. Since his mother’s mysterious death, he’s lived alone on the streets of Boston, surviving by his wits, keeping one step ahead of the police and the truant officers.
One day, he’s tracked down by a man he’s never met—a man his mother claimed was dangerous. The man tells him an impossible secret: Magnus is the son of a Norse god.
The Viking myths are true. The gods of Asgard are preparing for war. Trolls, giants and worse monsters are stirring for doomsday. To prevent Ragnarok, Magnus must search the Nine Worlds for a weapon that has been lost for thousands of years.
When an attack by fire giants forces him to choose between his own safety and the lives of hundreds of innocents, Magnus makes a fatal decision.
Sometimes, the only way to start a new life is to die . . .
Magnus Chase and the Sword of Summer is a new series by the world famous Rick Riordan. He is Annabeth Chase’s cousin. If you have read Percy Jackson, you know who I am talking about. If you haven’t go and read it! You are missing out ( then you will know who I am talking about and you would have fallen in love with her, just like I have ).
Anyways, we are not talking about Percy Jackson here. We are talking about Magnus and he is pretty hilarious. One thing I love about Rick Riordan is that his characters never act mature and like they know exactly what the world has in store for them. They are sarcastic. They mess up an amazing amount of times and they are real. I love Rick Riordan’s characters ( which now include Magnus and Blitz and Hearth and Sam and all of the other secondary characters which had an impact in this book ).
This book was set in Boston and a million other places. It was set in the present time but, in a world where norse gods and Egyptian gods and Greek gods all exist. I will not be surprised if Rick Riordan comes up with a book with the Hindu gods and goddesses once. ( I would so love to read that book ).
I think due to being set in such a world, it makes mythology so much more interesting. Something we would learn about in our history lesson which would be really boring is suddenly something we want to learn about.
The overall theme of the book was Norse mythology which I talked about in the previous paragraph. It was about Norse gods and the different norse gods like Frey and Freya and Idon.
Another thing about this book that I loved were the titles. They were hilarious and they made the book so much more entertaining. Every time I entered a new chapter, I tried to guess what the chapter was about based on the title.
The ending was great. The heroes got what they deserved. In the middle of the book I had been complaining that Magnus was not a fighter but, in the end that was confirmed that no Magnus was not a fighter but, that does not mean he could not stop the villains in other ways and that is exactly what he did. He used his powers of healing and nurture and growth and goodness in his heart to stop the villains which may not work practically but, this book is anything but practical.
I have read a lot of books by Rick Riordan. The famous Percy Jackson series. Heroes of Olympus. The Red Pyramid series. This may not be as great as those books but, it certainly was up to that level. So, I would obviously read more books by this author and I will recommend it to other people to read if they have not read it already.